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How to Check For Travel Ban in Saudi Arabia?

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How to check travel ban in Saudi arabia
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Overview of Saudi Arabia travel bans

Saudi Arabia, as a sovereign nation, has the right to regulate and restrict the movement of people in and out of its borders. One of the ways that the Saudi government enforces its laws and regulations is by imposing travel bans on individuals who are found to have violated the country’s laws or regulations. There are several types of travel bans that exist in Saudi Arabia, and each has different implications for the individuals affected.

Travel bans in Saudi Arabia are typically imposed by a court order or a judicial decision. In most cases, the ban is imposed due to unpaid debts. The creditor can file a case against the debtor, and if the court rules in favor of the creditor, a travel ban can be imposed on the debtor.

How to check for travel ban in Saudi Arabia?

If you are planning to travel to Saudi Arabia, it is important to check whether you are subject to a travel ban or not. There are several ways to check travel ban in Saudi Arabia.

The Generalization Report Query Service in Absher

The Generalization Report Query service is a feature in the Absher portal that allows individuals to search for legal proceedings and Saudi Arabia travel bans against their Iqama number. The service provides with an easy and convenient way to check for any legal cases or travel bans against themselves without having to visit a police station.

By Accessing the Generalization Report Query Service to identify Travel Ban in Saudi Arabia

The Generalization report query service is a quick and easy way to identify travel bans in Saudi Arabia and provided you have an Absher account.

To access the Generalization Report Query service, an individual must have a valid Absher account. The following steps can be taken to check the Generalization Report in Absher:

  1. Go to the Absher portal: https://www.absher.sa/
  2. Select “Individuals.”
  3. Log in to Absher using your credentials.
  4. Scroll down on the Absher homepage and select “Service Suspension and Travel Restrictions.”
  5. Click on the “Proceed” button on the new page that appears.

Once these steps have been followed, the individual’s Generalization Report will be displayed on the screen for them to view and print. If there are no legal cases or travel bans registered against the individual, the message “There is no generalization report registered against you” will be displayed.

The Generalization Report Query service is an essential feature in the Absher portal that enables individuals to search for legal proceedings and travel bans against their Iqama number. This service offers an easy and convenient way to check for any legal cases or travel bans without having to visit a police station. Individuals who have an Absher account can access the Generalization Report Query service through the steps outlined above.

Fearing a Travel Ban in Saudi Arabia? Use this link to Get Your status checked by expert Saudi lawyers.


By accessing the MOJ Website to identify Travel Ban in Saudi Arabia

Here’s the procedure for individuals to check the status of a labor court, criminal, or any other police case registered on their Iqama in Saudi Arabia.

  1. In order to check the status of a legal case, individuals must first access the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) website at https://www.moj.gov.sa/ar/eServices/Pages/Details.aspx.
  2. Upon accessing the MOJ website, individuals should scroll down and click on the button labeled “دخول الخدمة” (Enter Service).
  3. Individuals will then be referred to the Najiz website.
  4. Once on the Najiz website, individuals can check whether any legal cases have been registered on their Iqama by clicking on the appropriate button.
  5. If no legal case is registered, the website will display the message “لا يوجد قضايا لعرضها” (No legal case is registered on Iqama).

By Visiting the Passport Office to identify Travel Bans in Saudi Arabia

You can also check your travel ban status by visiting the passport office in Saudi Arabia. To check your travel ban status, follow these steps:

a. Visit the passport office in your city b. Present your Iqama or passport to the officer c. Request to check your travel ban status d. The officer will check the system and inform you of your travel ban status

By Approaching The Court to identify Travel Bans in Saudi Arabia

If you are unsure whether you are subject to a travel ban, you can also check with the court that may have issued the ban. To check your travel ban status, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the court that may have issued the travel ban
  2. Present your identification documents to the court officer
  3. Request to check your travel ban status
  4. The court officer will check the system and inform you of your travel ban status

Laws Governing Travel Bans in Saudi Arabia

Several laws and regulations govern travel ban restrictions in Saudi Arabia:

  1. Royal Decrees: These are direct orders from the King of Saudi Arabia. They have the highest authority in the Saudi legal system and can create, modify, or abolish any law, including those related to travel restrictions. For example, a Royal Decree could instantly change entry requirements or impose a nationwide travel ban.
  2. Council of Ministers Decisions: The Council of Ministers, headed by the King, can issue decisions that affect travel policies. These decisions often deal with broader policy issues, such as establishing new visa categories or changing residency requirements, which can indirectly affect travel restrictions.
  3. Ministry of Interior Regulations: The Ministry of Interior is responsible for internal security and implements many travel-related policies. They can issue travel bans on individuals, manage the exit and re-entry visa system for expatriates, and control domestic movement restrictions. Their regulations often deal with the practical implementation of travel laws.
  4. Passport Law: This law governs the issuance, renewal, and revocation of Saudi passports. It also outlines the conditions under which a Saudi citizen’s passport can be withheld, effectively imposing a travel ban. For instance, individuals involved in certain legal disputes or those who owe money to the government may be prevented from obtaining or renewing their passport.
  5. Residence Regulations (Iqama): These regulations govern the status of foreign residents in Saudi Arabia. They stipulate the conditions under which expatriates can enter, reside in, and exit the country. For example, expatriates typically need their sponsor’s permission to obtain an exit visa.
  6. Labor Law: While primarily focused on employment relationships, the Labor Law contains provisions that affect an expatriate worker’s ability to travel. For instance, it reinforces the sponsorship (kafala) system, which requires employer permission for a worker to change jobs or leave the country.
  7. Shari’a Law: As the fundamental basis of Saudi law, Shari’a principles can influence the interpretation and application of all other laws, including those related to travel. For example, Shari’a principles might be invoked in family law cases that result in travel restrictions.
  8. Public Security Regulations: These allow authorities to impose travel bans for security reasons. They might be used to prevent individuals suspected of criminal activity from leaving the country or to restrict movement during times of unrest.
  9. Ministry of Hajj and Umrah Regulations: These govern pilgrimage-related travel to Mecca and Medina. They can limit the number of pilgrims, impose health requirements, or restrict access to holy sites. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, these regulations were used to severely limit Hajj attendance.
  10. Border Security Laws: These laws regulate entry and exit at Saudi borders, including airports, seaports, and land crossings. They cover issues such as visa requirements, customs procedures, and the rights of border officials to deny entry or exit.

It’s important to note that these laws and regulations often interact with each other, and their application can be complex. Saudi authorities have considerable discretion in how they interpret and enforce these rules, particularly in cases they deem related to national security or public interest.

Reasons for Travel Bans in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Travel Ban due to unpaid debt

One of the most common types of travel bans in Saudi Arabia is the travel ban due to unpaid debt. The government can impose a travel ban on individuals who have outstanding debts or who have been ordered by a court to pay a debt. This travel ban prevents individuals from leaving the country until they settle their debts. It is important to note that the Saudi Arabia travel ban due to unpaid debt can be imposed on both Saudi nationals and foreign residents.

Saudi Travel Ban for Criminal Records

In Saudi Arabia, foreign nationals with a criminal record are subject to deportation. This applies to a range of criminal offenses, including robbery, theft, embezzlement, and others. It is important to note that the Saudi Arabian government takes a strong stance against criminal activity, and may take swift action against those who violate the law, regardless of their nationality or citizenship status.

Saudi Travel Ban Due To Non-Compliance with Iqama

A foreign national may face deportation if they are caught for the third time not carrying an Iqama or if they have Huroob status on their Iqama.To avoid any issues with Iqama compliance, expatriates should ensure that they apply for and renew their residency permits on time. They should also keep a copy of their Iqama with them at all times, as it serves as proof of their legal residence in the country.

Saudi Travel Ban Due To Overstaying after Iqama or Visa Expiry

A foreign national who overstays after their Iqama or visa expiry may also face deportation.

Saudi Travel Ban for Trading Visas & Forgery of Documents

If a foreign national is involved in the trading of visas or forgery of documents, they may be deported.

Saudi Travel Ban Due To Contagious Diseases

Any foreign national with a contagious or infectious disease such as HIV, AIDS, or HEPA may be deported.

Saudi Travel Ban For Criminal Records

Any foreign national with a criminal record, including robbery, theft, or embezzlement, may face deportation.

Saudi Travel Ban for Immoral Activities

Foreign nationals who engage in immoral activities, including prostitution, adultery, or soliciting sex, may also face deportation.

Saudi Travel Ban for Alcohol or Liquor Offenses

Manufacturing or selling alcohol or liquor may lead to deportation.

Saudi Travel Ban Due to False Documents

Any foreign national who presents false documents or incorrect information, such as a fake degree, may face deportation.

Saudi Travel Ban due to Legal Issues

Another type of travel ban in Saudi Arabia is the travel ban due to legal issues. This type of travel ban is imposed on individuals who are involved in a legal case or have been convicted of a crime. The travel ban prevents these individuals from leaving the country until the legal issues are resolved. The ban can also be imposed on individuals who are wanted for questioning by the authorities or who have outstanding warrants.

Saudi Travel Ban due to Labor Disputes

The Saudi government can also impose travel bans on individuals who are involved in labor disputes with their employers. This travel ban prevents these individuals from leaving the country until the labor dispute is resolved. This ban can be imposed on both Saudi nationals and foreign residents.

Saudi Travel Ban due to Immigration Issues

The Saudi government can impose travel bans on individuals who have violated immigration laws or regulations. This type of travel ban prevents these individuals from leaving the country until their immigration issues are resolved. It can also be imposed on individuals who have overstayed their visas or who have entered the country illegally.

Implications of Travel Bans in Saudi Arabia

Travel bans can have severe implications for individuals who are affected by them. One of the most significant implications is that the travel ban can prevent individuals from leaving the country, which can be particularly problematic if they are in need of medical treatment abroad or if they have work or family commitments outside of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, the travel ban can prevent individuals from re-entering the country if they are abroad, which can be particularly problematic if they have family or work commitments in Saudi Arabia.

In some cases, the travel ban can also result in the seizure of an individual’s passport, which can further complicate their ability to travel. Additionally, the Saudi Arabia travel ban can negatively impact an individual’s credit score, which can make it more difficult for them to access credit or obtain loans in the future.

What to do if you have a travel ban

If you are subject to a travel ban in Saudi Arabia, you cannot leave the country until the ban is lifted. To lift the travel ban, you need to settle the debt that led to the ban in the first place. Once you settle the debt, the creditor will inform the court, and the travel ban will be lifted.

If you are unable to settle the debt, you can file a case with the court to have the travel ban lifted. You will need to provide evidence to the court that you are unable to settle the debt and that lifting the ban will not result in the loss of the creditor’s rights.

How To Lift Travel Bans in Saudi Arabia?

Legal Basis

The legal basis for lifting travel bans in Saudi Arabia is governed by the Law of Civil Procedure, specifically Article 112. This law provides that a person who is subject to a travel ban can request its lifting through the relevant authorities.

Procedure To lift a travel ban in Saudi Arabia

The following steps must be taken:

  1. Contact the Relevant Authority: The first step is to contact the authority that imposed the travel ban. This may be the Ministry of Interior, the General Directorate of Passports, or a court. The individual must provide their identification information, including their name, ID number, and passport number.
  2. Submit a Request: The next step is to submit a written request to the relevant authority, requesting the lifting of the travel ban. The request must provide details about the reason for the travel ban and any relevant supporting documents. For example, if the travel ban was imposed due to a pending legal case, the individual should provide evidence that the case has been resolved or is no longer pending.
  3. Await a Response: The authority will review the request and determine whether the travel ban should be lifted. If the authority determines that the request is valid, it will issue a written order lifting the travel ban. The individual may be required to pay any outstanding debts or fines before the travel ban is lifted.
  4. Notify the Relevant Authorities: Once the travel ban is lifted, the individual must notify any relevant authorities, such as the Ministry of Interior or the General Directorate of Passports. If the travel ban was imposed due to a pending legal case, the individual must also notify the court.

Lifting a travel ban in Saudi Arabia requires following a specific legal process, which involves contacting the relevant authority, submitting a written request, awaiting a response, and notifying the relevant authorities. Individuals who are subject to travel bans should seek the assistance of a legal professional to ensure that they follow the correct procedures and comply with all legal requirements.

FAQs: How to Check for Travel Ban in Saudi Arabia

1. What is a travel ban in Saudi Arabia?

A travel ban in Saudi Arabia restricts individuals from leaving the country. These bans are often imposed due to unpaid debts, unresolved legal matters, or violations of Saudi laws and regulations.

2. Why are travel bans imposed in Saudi Arabia?

Travel bans are implemented to enforce legal and financial accountability. Common reasons include:

  • Unpaid debts: Creditors file cases to recover amounts owed.
  • Pending legal cases: Criminal charges, labor disputes, or other legal violations.
  • Immigration issues: Violations of visa terms or residency laws.

3. How can I find out if I have a travel ban in Saudi Arabia?

You can verify your travel ban status through the following methods:

  1. Absher Portal – Generalization Report Query Service.
  2. Wirestork.com – Using the self serve service
  3. Ministry of Justice (Najiz Platform) – Check for legal proceedings.
  4. Passport Office Visit – In-person inquiry.

4. What is the Absher Generalization Report Query Service?

The Generalization Report Query Service on the Absher portal allows individuals to check for legal proceedings and travel bans using their Iqama number. It eliminates the need to visit police stations or government offices.

5. How do I use the Absher portal to check for travel bans?

To access your travel ban status via Absher:

  1. Visit https://www.absher.sa/.
  2. Select “Individuals.”
  3. Log in with your Absher credentials.
  4. Navigate to “Service Suspension and Travel Restrictions.”
  5. Click “Proceed” to view your Generalization Report.

If no travel ban exists, the system will display “There is no generalization report registered against you.”

6. Can I use the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) website to check for a travel ban?

Yes, the Ministry of Justice website provides access to your legal case status:

  1. Go to https://www.moj.gov.sa/ar/eServices/Pages/Details.aspx.
  2. Click “دخول الخدمة” (Enter Service).
  3. You will be redirected to the Najiz platform.
  4. Check for any registered legal cases or travel bans under your Iqama.

If no legal cases exist, you’ll see the message “لا يوجد قضايا لعرضها” (No legal case is registered).

7. Can I visit a government office to verify a travel ban?

Yes, you can visit the Passport Office in your city to check your travel ban status:

  1. Bring your Iqama or passport.
  2. Request the officer to check for any travel bans.
  3. The officer will access the system and inform you of your status.

8. How are travel bans resolved?

The process for resolving a travel ban varies depending on the reason:

  • Unpaid debts: Settle the dues with the creditor and obtain a clearance document.
  • Legal disputes: Resolve the case in court or through mediation.
  • Immigration issues: Ensure compliance with Saudi residency and visa rules.

9. What steps should I take if I confirm a travel ban?

If you discover a travel ban, take the following actions:

  1. Consult a legal expert to understand the nature of the ban.
  2. Work with a licensed Saudi lawyer to address the issue.
  3. Ensure any financial obligations or legal disputes are resolved promptly.

10. How can Saudi lawyers assist with travel bans?

Experienced lawyers can:

  • Analyze your case: Determine the cause of the ban.
  • Provide legal representation: Negotiate with creditors or defend in court.
  • Facilitate resolution: Expedite the process for lifting the ban.

11. Can travel bans be appealed?

Yes, travel bans can be appealed in court or through appropriate legal channels. A legal professional can guide you on the best course of action depending on your circumstances.

12. What is the fastest way to resolve a travel ban in Saudi Arabia?

The quickest resolution depends on the reason for the ban:

  • Debt-related bans: Settle the outstanding amount with creditors.
  • Legal disputes: Work with a lawyer to expedite court proceedings.
  • Administrative errors: Report the issue to the relevant authorities via Absher or Najiz.

13. Are travel bans permanent?

No, travel bans are not permanent and can be lifted once the underlying issue is resolved, such as clearing debts or closing legal cases.

14. Can expatriates face travel bans in Saudi Arabia?

Yes, expatriates are often subject to travel bans, especially if they have unresolved financial disputes, employment-related cases, or violations of residency regulations.

15. How can I avoid travel bans in Saudi Arabia?

To minimize the risk of a travel ban:

  • Regularly check for any legal or financial issues through Absher or Najiz.
  • Stay updated on residency and visa requirements.
  • Settle debts and obligations promptly.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [ { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is a travel ban in Saudi Arabia?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “A travel ban in Saudi Arabia is a legal restriction imposed by the government, preventing individuals from leaving or entering the country due to legal, financial, or criminal issues.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What are common reasons for a Saudi Arabia travel ban?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Common reasons include unpaid debt, criminal records, Iqama non-compliance, labor disputes, or immigration violations.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can I check if I have a travel ban in Saudi Arabia?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Individuals can check their travel ban status through services like Absher, the Ministry of Justice website, or by visiting the passport office.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Can a travel ban be imposed due to unpaid debt?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Yes, individuals with unpaid debts can have a travel ban imposed until the debt is settled.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can a travel ban be lifted in Saudi Arabia?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “A travel ban can be lifted by settling debts, resolving legal cases, and submitting a formal request to the relevant authorities.” } } ] }