UAE Visa Rules Updated For Pakistan Nationals: Comply or Face Deportation

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As more and more Pakistan Nationals are being denied visas to the UAE, the UAE Government has strictly Enforced Visa Acquisition for Pakistani Individuals Below 18 Years Old.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) government has recently announced its intention to enforce the law strictly regarding visa acquisition for Pakistani individuals below 18 years old. This article aims to provide comprehensive information about this regulation and the stringent actions to be taken by the UAE government, as shared by the Consul General stationed in Karachi, UAE, Atiq Bakhit al-Rumiti.

Legal Background

Federal Law No. (3) of 2016 on child rights (Wadeema’s Law) aims to protect children’s rights and ensure their welfare.This law imposes strict requirements for individuals who wish to bring their children to the UAE, including obtaining appropriate visas and meeting certain conditions related to housing, education, and health. These requirements aim to ensure that children are not subjected to any form of abuse or exploitation while residing in the UAE.

However, the Consul General of the UAE, Bakhit Atiq al-Rumiti, has revealed that a significant number of Pakistani nationals holding work visas in the Emirates are breaching laws related to children’s rights. Specifically, many Pakistani individuals are bringing their children to the UAE without obtaining the appropriate visas or meeting the necessary conditions related to housing, education, and health. This is a serious violation of Wadeema’s law and can result in significant penalties for those found to be in breach.

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“As emphasized by the UAE government, strict enforcement of visa acquisition laws for individuals below 18 years old, as per Wadeema’s law, carries severe penalties such as fines, imprisonment, and deportation. Compliance with all pertinent laws and regulations is imperative for Pakistani nationals residing in the UAE to evade any legal or personal repercussions.”

— Bakhit Atiq al-Rumiti, UAE Consul General

What’s the Wadeema’s Law?

Wadeema’s Law is a federal law that came into effect on June 15, 2016. The law is named after an eight-year-old Emirati girl named Wadeema, who was brutally abused and murdered by her father and his girlfriend in 2012. The law was enacted to prevent such heinous crimes against children and provide them with the protection they deserve.

The law emphasizes that all children should have access to proper living conditions, healthcare services, education, and equal opportunities in essential services and facilities without any discrimination. It also provides protection to children against any form of negligence, exploitation, or physical/psychological abuse.

The law defines child abuse as any act or omission that endangers the life, safety, health, or physical, mental, or moral development of a child. It includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, exploitation, and emotional abuse. The law recognizes that children are vulnerable and need to be protected from harm.

The law places a legal obligation on parents, guardians, or caregivers to provide the necessary care and protection to children under their custody. It is the responsibility of parents or guardians to ensure that children have access to education, healthcare, and other essential services. Parents or guardians who violate this law will be subject to legal action, including fines and imprisonment.

Penalties for Violation

The UAE government has made it clear that it will take stringent actions against any individuals found to be in breach of Wadeema’s law. These actions can include fines, imprisonment, and deportation. Furthermore, individuals who are found to be in breach may be prohibited from entering the UAE in the future, which can have significant consequences for their employment and personal lives.

Recommendations for Pakistani Nationals

Pakistani nationals residing in the UAE should take note of this significant announcement and ensure that they comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to visa acquisition for their children. They should obtain appropriate visas and meet all necessary conditions related to housing, education, and health. Failure to do so can result in significant penalties and can have long-lasting consequences for their personal and professional lives.

What this means for Pakistani Nationals?

The UAE has been a popular destination for Pakistani migrants due to the availability of employment opportunities and higher wages. According to recent estimates, there are currently 16 to 17 million Pakistanis living in the UAE, constituting one of the largest foreign national communities in the country. However, the UAE government has recently tightened its visa requirements for Pakistani nationals. In particular, Pakistani nationals seeking to obtain new visas must provide assurance that they will fully adhere to UAE laws in the future.

Reasons for Visa Rejections for Pakistani Nationals

There are several reasons behind the recent immigration regulations imposed by the UAE government. Over the years, there has been a rise in criminal activities involving Pakistani nationals in the UAE. Reports indicate that Pakistanis are involved in drug trafficking, money laundering, and other forms of illegal activities. Such activities have tarnished the image of Pakistanis in the eyes of the UAE government and its citizens.

Implications for Pakistani

The recent immigration regulations have significant implications for Pakistanis seeking to migrate to the UAE. Pakistani nationals seeking to obtain new visas must provide assurance that they will fully adhere to UAE laws in the future. This means that Pakistanis will need to provide evidence of their good conduct and character, including their employment history, educational qualifications, and criminal record. Pakistani nationals will also need to demonstrate their ability to support themselves financially while in the UAE.


The UAE government is committed to ensuring that children in the UAE have access to their fundamental rights. Wadeema’s Law provides protection to children against any form of abuse or neglect. It emphasizes the importance of providing children with proper living conditions, healthcare services, education, and equal opportunities. Parents or guardians who violate this law will face legal action, including fines and imprisonment. It is the responsibility of all members of society to ensure that children are protected and their rights are upheld.

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