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What is the Penalty for Verbal Abuse in UAE?

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What is the Penalty for Verbal Abuse in UAE
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Verbal abuse in UAE refers to the use of offensive, insulting, or disrespectful language directed at another person, and is treated as a serious offense in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In a country known for its emphasis on respect, tolerance, and public order, instances of verbal abuse, whether in person or online, are not taken lightly. The UAE’s legal framework is designed to maintain public decorum and protect individuals from harmful behavior. This blog post will explore the penalties for verbal abuse under UAE law, the legal context, and case studies that illustrate the consequences of such behavior.

Understanding Verbal Abuse in UAE

In the UAE, verbal abuse is broadly defined as the use of offensive or insulting language directed at another person. This can happen in a variety of settings, including public spaces, the workplace, or online. The UAE’s laws on verbal abuse are particularly stringent, reflecting the country’s commitment to protecting its residents from any form of harassment or disrespect.

Verbal abuse falls under the category of public abuse in the UAE, which includes any act that infringes on the dignity and respect of individuals. Public abuse is not only limited to verbal actions but also encompasses physical abuse and harassment. Federal Law No. 3 of 1987, commonly referred to as the UAE Penal Code, provides a legal framework that addresses public abuse, including verbal abuse, and outlines penalties for offenders.

How do I report verbal abuse in UAE?

If you or someone you know is a victim of verbal abuse, whether in public or online, the UAE has several channels through which you can report the incident. The UAE authorities take these matters very seriously and have set up both local and national services to ensure the safety and well-being of residents and visitors.

Here’s how to report verbal abuse:

1. Report Abuse to the Police

In cases of verbal abuse, you can always report the incident to the police by calling the emergency hotline 999, which is accessible from anywhere in the UAE. The police will assess the situation and take appropriate legal action.

2. Use Ministry of Community Development’s Abuse Reports Form

You can also report cases of verbal abuse or any form of harassment directly through the Ministry of Community Development’s online platform. This provides a confidential way for individuals to submit complaints regarding abuse. The form is available online at the following link:

This platform allows you to file complaints discreetly and ensures that proper action is taken.

3. Report Abuse via Local Police Hotlines

Each emirate has its own specialized services to handle abuse, including verbal abuse. You can contact these services in addition to the national police hotline (999).

Abu Dhabi

  • Aman Service: Call 8002626 or send an SMS to 8002828 to report harassment or safety concerns directly to the Abu Dhabi Police. This service is available 24/7 for individuals who need to report any type of abuse discreetly.


  • Al Ameen Service: Residents and visitors in Dubai can report verbal abuse or other security concerns by calling 8004888 from within the UAE. If you are abroad and need to report abuse that occurred in Dubai, you can reach the Al Ameen service at +9718004888. This service ensures that your complaint is handled with confidentiality.


Najeed Service: For incidents occurring in Sharjah, individuals can call 800151 to report any abuse or harassment to the Sharjah Police. Alternatively, you can send an SMS to 7999 for more discreet reporting.

Report Abuse through Social Services

The UAE also provides services through various social service agencies, particularly for individuals who may be vulnerable or at risk. If you are a victim of abuse, you can contact these organizations for assistance:

  • Dubai Foundation for Women and Children: This organization offers legal aid, emotional support, and counseling services for victims of verbal abuse and other forms of harassment. They provide confidential help and guidance for women and children.
  • Ewaa Shelters for Victims of Abuse: Available in Abu Dhabi, these shelters offer support and rehabilitation for individuals who have suffered from abuse, including verbal harassment.

6. Hotline Services for Immediate Assistance

  • National Child Protection Hotline (800988): For cases involving minors.
  • Ministry of Interior’s Child Protection Centre: This platform allows you to report abuse against children online and seek help from specialized agencies.

Steps to Take When Reporting Verbal Abuse

When reporting verbal abuse, it is important to provide as much evidence as possible to support your claim. You can include:

  • Witness testimonies
  • Audio or video recordings
  • Screenshots or messages (in cases of online abuse)
  • Date, time, and location of the incident

Reporting verbal abuse ensures that the perpetrators are held accountable and helps create a safer environment for all residents in the UAE. By using these reporting channels, you can contribute to maintaining the UAE’s high standards of respect, tolerance, and public safety.

What is the punishment for abusing someone in the UAE?

The punishment for verbally abusing someone in the UAE can vary depending on the situation:

  • In public spaces: Under Article 359 of the UAE Penal Code, the offender can face up to one year of imprisonment or a fine of up to AED 10,000 for public insults or verbal abuse.
  • Online abuse: If the verbal abuse occurs online, under the Cybercrime Law, the offender may face up to two years in prison and fines between AED 250,000 and AED 500,000.

In severe cases, expatriates found guilty of verbal abuse may also face deportation.

Is shouting illegal in the UAE?

Yes, shouting can be considered illegal in the UAE if it involves offensive language, insults, or is deemed to disturb public peace. Using raised voices to insult or intimidate others can be classified as verbal abuse under the UAE Penal Code. Shouting at someone in a manner that causes distress or harms their dignity can lead to legal consequences, such as fines or imprisonment, particularly if it happens in public or is directed toward law enforcement or public officials.

Relevant Laws Governing Verbal Abuse in UAE

The primary legislation that governs verbal abuse in the UAE is the UAE Penal Code, specifically Article 359, which focuses on public insults and verbal abuse. Additionally, the UAE has enacted the Cybercrime Law, which covers verbal abuse and harassment conducted through online platforms.

1. Article 359 of the UAE Penal Code

Article 359 of the UAE Penal Code clearly states that anyone who verbally abuses or insults another person in a public space can face imprisonment or a fine. The exact wording of the law states that anyone who:

  • Insults or uses abusive language in public may be imprisoned for up to one year or fined up to AED 10,000.

This provision emphasizes that verbal abuse is a criminal offense, even if it does not escalate into physical violence. The law is designed to maintain public order and ensure that individuals treat one another with respect and dignity, especially in public spaces.

2. UAE Cybercrime Law (2012)

In today’s digital age, online abuse has become increasingly prevalent. To address this issue, the UAE implemented the Cybercrime Law in 2012. This law criminalizes:

  • Cyberbullying, defamation, and verbal abuse through electronic platforms such as social media, messaging apps, or emails.

Under the Cybercrime Law, individuals who engage in online verbal abuse or harassment can face severe penalties, including:

  • Imprisonment for up to two years and/or fines ranging from AED 250,000 to AED 500,000.

The law applies to both residents and visitors of the UAE, ensuring that everyone is held accountable for their online behavior.

Penalties for Verbal Abuse in Public Spaces

The penalties for verbal abuse in public can vary depending on the severity of the incident, the context in which the abuse occurred, and the impact it had on the victim. The penalties include:

  • Imprisonment: Offenders may face up to one year in jail for verbal abuse in public.
  • Fines: Offenders can be fined up to AED 10,000 for public insults or abusive language.

In cases where the verbal abuse escalates into threats, defamation, or harassment, the court may impose additional penalties, including longer imprisonment or higher fines.

Penalties for Verbal Abuse Online

Verbal abuse conducted online, including defamation, slander, and cyberbullying, is taken even more seriously under the UAE Cybercrime Law. The penalties for online verbal abuse are significantly higher, given the broader impact that such actions can have in the digital world. The penalties include:

  • Imprisonment for up to two years.
  • Fines ranging from AED 250,000 to AED 500,000, depending on the severity of the offense and the platform used for the abuse.

In some cases, online abuse can also result in the deportation of expatriates who are found guilty of violating UAE cybercrime laws.

Examples of Verbal Abuse in the UAE: Notable Case Studies

To understand how verbal abuse cases are handled in the UAE, it’s helpful to look at a few notable case studies that illustrate the legal outcomes for offenders.

Case 1: Verbal Abuse in a Public Park

In one high-profile case, a man was caught on video verbally abusing a police officer in a public park. The video went viral on social media, prompting public outrage. The man was quickly identified and arrested by the authorities.

During his trial, the defense argued that the man had been under the influence of alcohol at the time and that his behavior was out of character. However, the court ruled that intoxication was not a valid defense for abusive behavior. The man was found guilty under Article 359 of the Penal Code and was sentenced to community service and fined AED 10,000.

This case highlights the seriousness with which the UAE legal system views public abuse, particularly when the abuse is directed at public servants such as police officers.

Case 2: Cyberbullying on Social Media

In another case, a woman was convicted of cyberbullying after sending abusive and defamatory messages to a colleague via social media. The victim reported the harassment to the authorities, and the case was prosecuted under the UAE Cybercrime Law.

The court found the woman guilty of online defamation and verbal abuse and sentenced her to six months in prison and a fine of AED 300,000. The severity of the penalty reflects the UAE’s commitment to preventing online abuse and protecting individuals from harm in the digital space.

Rehabilitation and Support for Victims of Verbal Abuse

The UAE government recognizes the importance of supporting victims of verbal abuse, both in public and online. Several organizations and government initiatives are in place to provide assistance to individuals who have experienced verbal abuse.

Counseling and Legal Support

Organizations like the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children offer counseling services, legal aid, and emotional support to victims of abuse, including verbal abuse. These services help victims recover from the emotional and psychological impact of their experiences.

Reporting Verbal Abuse

Victims of verbal abuse in the UAE are encouraged to report incidents to the authorities. The UAE has established several hotlines and helplines for individuals to report verbal abuse, whether it occurs in public or online. Victims can also file complaints directly with the Ministry of Interior or the Cybercrime Unit for incidents involving online abuse.

Public Campaigns to Raise Awareness

To combat verbal abuse and other forms of harassment, the UAE government has launched various public awareness campaigns aimed at promoting respect, tolerance, and good behavior in public spaces. One such initiative is the Respect and Tolerance Campaign by the UAE Ministry of Interior, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining a respectful and harmonious society.

Verbal Abuse Penalties in the UAE

The UAE takes verbal abuse, whether in public or online, very seriously, as part of its broader commitment to maintaining public order and promoting respect among its residents. The penalties for verbal abuse under Article 359 of the UAE Penal Code and the Cybercrime Law are designed to act as a deterrent and ensure that offenders are held accountable for their actions.

Individuals who engage in verbal abuse can face imprisonment, hefty fines, and, in some cases, deportation. Victims are encouraged to seek support through government helplines and legal channels, while offenders are subject to strict penalties to protect the well-being of all individuals living in the UAE.

By enforcing these laws and promoting public awareness, the UAE aims to create a society where respect, tolerance, and harmony prevail, both in public spaces and online environments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About the Penalty for Verbal Abuse in the UAE

1. What is considered verbal abuse under UAE law?

Verbal abuse in the UAE refers to the use of offensive or insulting language directed at another person, whether in public or online. This includes insults, threats, or defamatory remarks that cause emotional or psychological harm.

2. What is the penalty for verbal abuse in the UAE?

Under Article 359 of the UAE Penal Code, verbal abuse in public can result in up to one year of imprisonment or a fine of up to AED 10,000. The severity of the penalty depends on the context and impact of the abuse.

3. Is online verbal abuse treated differently in the UAE?

Yes. Online verbal abuse, including insults and defamation on social media or messaging platforms, is governed by the UAE Cybercrime Law. Penalties include imprisonment for up to two years and fines ranging from AED 250,000 to AED 500,000.

4. Can expatriates be penalized for verbal abuse in the UAE?

Yes. Both UAE nationals and expatriates are subject to the same laws regarding verbal abuse. Expatriates may also face deportation in cases of severe verbal abuse or cybercrimes.

5. What should a victim of verbal abuse do in the UAE?

Victims of verbal abuse should report the incident to the authorities. The UAE provides hotlines and helplines for victims to seek assistance. Victims can also file complaints with the Ministry of Interior or the Cybercrime Unit for online abuse cases.

6. Is verbal abuse in private also punishable in the UAE?

Yes. Verbal abuse is punishable whether it occurs in public or private. However, the penalties may vary depending on the setting, the nature of the insult, and the evidence available.

7. How is verbal abuse proven in court?

Verbal abuse can be proven through witness testimony, audio/video recordings, written messages, or any other form of evidence that demonstrates the use of offensive language directed at the victim.

8. Can verbal abuse lead to deportation in the UAE?

Yes. In cases where the verbal abuse is severe or involves cybercrime, expatriates may face deportation as part of the penalties, in addition to imprisonment and fines.

9. Are there any public campaigns in the UAE to prevent verbal abuse?

Yes. The UAE government runs several public awareness campaigns, such as the Respect and Tolerance Campaign, which aim to educate the public about the importance of respectful behavior and the legal consequences of verbal abuse.

10. What are the penalties for verbal abuse through social media in the UAE?

Verbal abuse through social media is penalized under the UAE Cybercrime Law. Offenders can face up to two years in prison and fines between AED 250,000 and AED 500,000 for online insults or defamation.

11. Can I file a lawsuit for verbal abuse in the UAE?

Yes. Victims of verbal abuse can file a civil or criminal lawsuit to seek justice. Courts may impose penalties on the offender, and the victim may also pursue compensation for damages.

12. What happens if the verbal abuse is directed at a public official?

Verbal abuse directed at a public official is considered a more severe offense and can result in harsher penalties, including longer imprisonment and higher fines, depending on the circumstances.

13. Can intoxication be used as a defense for verbal abuse in the UAE?

No. Intoxication is not considered a valid defense for verbal abuse in the UAE. Offenders can still face penalties for their actions even if they were under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

14. Is there any rehabilitation or support available for victims of verbal abuse in the UAE?

Yes. Victims of verbal abuse can access counseling, legal aid, and emotional support through organizations like the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children. These services help victims recover and seek justice.