How to Apply for Mercy Petition in UAE to Lift UAE Travel Bans?

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Mercy Petition in UAE & Mercy Petition in Abudhabi

Mercy Petition in UAE: A Path to Lift Travel Bans

Dealing with legal issues can be a daunting and stressful experience, especially when it comes to matters of deportation and travel bans. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a mercy petition serves as a lifeline for those facing travel restrictions due to deportation orders or blacklisting. The UAE, with its pool of legislation, upholds strict laws to maintain peace and security within its borders. However, the government also acknowledges the need for compassion and offers a pathway for individuals to seek mercy and have their travel bans lifted.

Join us as we navigate through the complexities of mercy petitions in the UAE, empowering individuals with knowledge and resources to navigate their legal challenges and potentially regain their freedom to travel.

The Background

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a country with a robust legal framework that governs various aspects of its citizens’ lives, ensuring peace and harmony within its borders. Foreign nationals residing in the UAE must be aware of the country’s laws to maintain their eligibility to stay. However, understanding the legal terms and concepts can be challenging, particularly when it comes to deportation, which often causes distress among expatriates.

In this article, based on the practical experience of criminal lawyers in Dubai, we will discuss the reasons for deportation in the UAE and explore how to apply for a mercy petition in UAE to lift travel bans.

What is a mercy petition in UAE?

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a mercy petition is a formal request submitted by an individual to the relevant authorities seeking clemency or leniency in their case, particularly when facing deportation or travel bans. A mercy petition in UAE serves as a plea for reconsideration of the original decision made by the authorities and offers an opportunity for individuals to present compelling reasons or exceptional circumstances that warrant a review of their case.

The mercy petition process acknowledges that each case is unique, and there may be circumstances that warrant a second look or a more compassionate approach. It provides individuals with a chance to appeal for mercy, with the hope of having their deportation order lifted or their travel ban removed.

The purpose of a mercy petition in UAE is to allow individuals to present new evidence, mitigating factors, or other compelling reasons that were not previously considered. It offers a legal avenue for individuals to seek a fresh evaluation of their situation, emphasizing humanitarian considerations and the possibility of rehabilitation.

While the decision to grant or deny a mercy petition ultimately lies with the relevant authorities, submitting a well-drafted and persuasive petition can significantly increase the chances of a favorable outcome. It is advisable to seek the assistance of experienced legal professionals who can guide individuals through the process, ensuring that all necessary documentation and arguments are presented effectively.

Overall, a mercy petition in UAE provides individuals with a formal mechanism to seek reconsideration and clemency, offering hope and the possibility of lifting travel bans or deportation orders.

When submitting a mercy petition in the UAE, it is essential to include the necessary documentation to support your case and present a compelling argument for reconsideration. While specific document requirements may vary depending on the circumstances and the nature of the case, here are some common documents that are often required when submitting a mercy petition in UAE:

  1. Passport: Provide a copy of your passport, including all relevant pages, such as the bio-data page, visa pages, entry stamps, and any other relevant endorsements.
  2. Residency Permit: If you hold a valid residency permit or visa, include a copy of it to demonstrate your legal status in the UAE.
  3. Deportation Order or Travel Ban Notification: Include a copy of the original deportation order or travel ban notification that you received from the authorities. This document serves as the basis for your mercy petition in UAE and should be submitted as evidence of the existing restriction.
  4. Personal Statement: Write a detailed personal statement explaining your circumstances, reasons for seeking mercy, and any exceptional or mitigating factors that you believe should be taken into consideration. Clearly articulate why you believe the deportation order or travel ban should be lifted.
  5. Supporting Documents: Include any relevant supporting documents that strengthen your case. This may include character references, testimonials, medical reports, evidence of good conduct, proof of employment or business ties, evidence of family or community support, evidence of community involvement, and any other documentation that supports your argument for leniency.
  6. Financial Documentation: If financial matters are a concern in your case, provide relevant financial documentation, such as bank statements, proof of assets, evidence of employment or business income, or any other documents that demonstrate your ability to support yourself or your dependents.
  7. Legal Representation: If you are seeking legal representation, include any documents related to your legal counsel, such as a letter of representation or power of attorney, demonstrating that you have engaged professional assistance in preparing and submitting your mercy petition in UAE.

It is important to note that the specific document requirements may vary depending on the circumstances of each case. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with experienced legal professionals who can provide guidance tailored to your situation and ensure that all necessary documentation is included in your mercy petition. They can also help you present your case in the most persuasive and compelling manner possible.

Deportation in the UAE

Deportation is the authority granted to the government to order a foreign national to leave the country immediately. Several circumstances can lead to a deportation order, with the most common being the lack of legal right to stay in the country or the commission of a serious criminal offense within its borders.

Deportation is primarily considered a punishment for individuals who fail to comply with the laws of the country where they reside. In most countries, deportation orders are typically applicable only to foreign expatriates, while local citizens are exempt from such punishment. The UAE government strives to maintain a peaceful and secure status among nations, and therefore, deportation orders are issued against individuals who attempt to jeopardize the safety and welfare of its citizens.

Categories of Deportation in the UAE

In the UAE, deportation is categorized into two types: legal deportation and administrative deportation. Legal deportation occurs through a court order, while administrative deportation is issued by the Federal Identity and Citizenship Authority.

A court can issue a deportation order against a foreign expatriate who is charged with a crime punishable by custodial punishment. The UAE Penal Code, as amended by various federal laws, provides provisions under which a court can pass a judgment entailing a deportation order. For instance, Article 121 of the Penal Code states that any foreign expatriate accused of a felony punishable by custodial punishment or any crime involving sexual assault shall be deported from the country. Additionally, in cases of misdemeanors, the court is empowered to expel the accused from the country, treating deportation as an alternative punishment to imprisonment.

Furthermore, according to Article 325 of the Penal Code, individuals who violate religious creeds and rites can also face deportation after serving the requisite penalty.

Administrative Deportation

The Federal Authority of Identity and Citizenship can order administrative deportation against a foreign national for reasons related to public safety, security, and morals. However, individuals facing administrative deportation can have it lifted by submitting an application to the General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs in the respective Emirate. The authority for administrative deportation is derived from Ministerial Decision Number 360 of 1997, which outlines the executive regulations of Law Number 6 of 1973 on the residency of foreigners.

This decision grants the public prosecutor or their legal representative the power to issue a deportation order against an expatriate, even if they hold a valid resident visa or work permit, if it is deemed in the interest and safety of the public. It is important to note that an administrative deportation order may also include the deportation of the expatriate’s family members who are dependent on them.

Moreover, Federal Decree Law Number 3 of 2017 empowers the Federal Identity and Citizenship Authority to exercise jurisdiction in matters pertaining to nationality, passports, and the entry and exit of foreign nationals, enabling them to pass administrative deportation orders to achieve their objectives.

When an administrative deportation order is issued, the Authority allows a grace period after issuing bail for the foreigner to resolve the matter. The specific period within which the matter must be resolved is defined by the authority and should not exceed three (3) months.

Lifting a Deportation Order

To lift an administrative deportation order, a foreigner must seek written permission from the Ministry of Interior, as stated in Article 28 of Law Number 6 of 1973 regarding the entry and residence of foreign nationals. The foreigner should submit an application to the Naturalization and Residency Administration, which is authorized to receive such applications through legal representatives for entry permits and visas. The application should include all relevant information regarding the previous residency permit, reasons for deportation, and any subsequent circumstances. Additionally, the application must provide justification for re-entry into the country, accompanied by supporting documentation.

For individuals facing legal deportation, they can submit a request to the public prosecutor to cancel the deportation order. The application should explain the reasons for seeking cancellation and include supporting documents. Once the application is received, the public prosecutor will transfer the request to a special committee to decide whether the deportation order should be lifted.

It is advisable to consult with the best criminal lawyers in Dubai, as they can provide assistance in drafting the application to remove an administrative or legal deportation order. Properly submitted applications have the potential to lift the deportation order, giving individuals a chance to remain in the UAE.

Blacklisting and Travel Bans

If a foreign national is restricted from entering or leaving the UAE due to criminal offenses or civil liabilities, they will be considered blacklisted. The following circumstances can lead to entry restrictions:

  1. Committing crimes and being deported.
  2. Deportation ordered by the Ministry of Interior.
  3. Activities recorded in the International Criminal Cooperation Department.
  4. Suffering from HIV/AIDS and deported by another country in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

Similarly, individuals may be restricted from leaving the country in the following cases:

  1. A criminal case has been registered against them.
  2. A criminal investigation is being conducted by the public prosecutor.
  3. The person has outstanding financial liabilities to the UAE government.

To have their names removed from the blacklist and be able to travel to or from the UAE, individuals must submit an application in accordance with Ministerial Resolution Number 360 of 1997 and Law Number 6 of 1973 on the entry and residence of foreigners.

Those restricted from entering the country should submit their application to the Naturalization and Residency Administration, while individuals seeking to travel outside the country must file their application before the public prosecutor or the competent criminal court. In all of these cases, seeking legal consultancy from a UAE law firm is advised.

Success Rate of Mercy Petitions in UAE

While submitting a mercy petition in the UAE offers individuals a chance to appeal for reconsideration and present their case for leniency, it is important to understand that the success of a mercy petition cannot be guaranteed. The decision to grant or deny a mercy petition in UAE lies with the relevant authorities, and each case is evaluated on its own merits.

The outcome of a mercy petition in UAE depends on various factors, including the specific circumstances of the case, the strength of the supporting arguments and evidence, the discretion of the authorities, and the prevailing laws and regulations. The authorities will carefully assess the petitioner’s situation, taking into account factors such as the nature of the offense, the individual’s history, the potential risk to public safety, and any mitigating circumstances presented.

It is worth noting that the UAE government emphasizes the importance of upholding the rule of law, maintaining public safety, and protecting the interests of its citizens and residents. Therefore, mercy petitions are typically considered with caution, ensuring a balance between compassion and the need to maintain law and order.

To enhance the chances of a successful mercy petition in UAE, it is advisable to seek the assistance of experienced legal professionals who can guide you through the process, help you prepare a strong and persuasive petition, and present your case effectively. They can ensure that all necessary documentation is included, address any legal complexities, and advocate on your behalf.

Ultimately, the success of a mercy petition in UAE depends on the unique circumstances of each case, the quality of the application, and the discretion of the relevant authorities reviewing the petition.

While submitting a mercy petition in the UAE offers individuals a chance to appeal for reconsideration and present their case for leniency, it is important to understand that the success of a mercy petition cannot be guaranteed. The decision to grant or deny a mercy petition in UAE lies with the relevant authorities, and each case is evaluated on its own merits.

The outcome of a mercy petition in UAE depends on various factors, including the specific circumstances of the case, the strength of the supporting arguments and evidence, the discretion of the authorities, and the prevailing laws and regulations. The authorities will carefully assess the petitioner’s situation, taking into account factors such as the nature of the offense, the individual’s history, the potential risk to public safety, and any mitigating circumstances presented.

It is worth noting that the UAE government emphasizes the importance of upholding the rule of law, maintaining public safety, and protecting the interests of its citizens and residents. Therefore, mercy petitions in UAE are typically considered with caution, ensuring a balance between compassion and the need to maintain law and order.

To enhance the chances of a successful mercy petition in UAE, it is advisable to seek the assistance of experienced legal professionals who can guide you through the process, help you prepare a strong and persuasive petition, and present your case effectively. They can ensure that all necessary documentation is included, address any legal complexities, and advocate on your behalf.

Ultimately, the success of a mercy petition in the UAE depends on the unique circumstances of each case, the quality of the application, and the discretion of the relevant authorities reviewing the petition.

How to submit Mercy Petition in AbuDhabi?

To submit a mercy petition in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), you can follow these general steps:

Consult with Legal Professionals: Before submitting a mercy petition, it is advisable to seek guidance from experienced legal professionals who specialize in immigration and deportation matters. They can provide personalized advice, assess your case, and assist you throughout the process.

Prepare Your Mercy Petition: Work with your legal representative to draft a well-structured and persuasive mercy petition. The petition should clearly state the reasons why you are seeking mercy, provide supporting evidence and arguments, and present any exceptional circumstances that warrant a reconsideration of your case.

Gather Required Documents: Assemble all the necessary documents that support your petition, including your passport, residency permit, deportation order or travel ban notification, personal statement, supporting evidence, financial documentation, and any other relevant materials. Ensure that you have copies of all these documents.

Visit the Relevant Authority: Mercy petitions in Abu Dhabi are typically submitted to the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) or the Immigration Department. Visit the nearest GDRFA or Immigration Department office in Abu Dhabi to inquire about the specific submission process and requirements. They will provide you with the necessary forms and guidance.

Complete the Application Form: Fill out the mercy petition application form accurately and thoroughly. Provide all the requested information, ensuring that it aligns with the details presented in your petition and supporting documents.

Submit Your Mercy Petition: Compile your completed application form, supporting documents, and copies of relevant paperwork into a comprehensive package. Submit the package to the designated office or department, following any specific instructions provided by the authorities. Be prepared to pay any applicable fees, if required.

Follow Up on Your Petition: After submitting your mercy petition, stay in regular contact with your legal representative to track the progress of your case. They can communicate with the authorities on your behalf, gather updates, and address any additional requirements or inquiries.

Await a Decision: The authorities will review your mercy petition, assess the supporting documents, and consider your arguments for clemency. The decision-making process may take time, so it is important to be patient. Your legal representative can provide you with an estimated timeline based on their experience.

It’s worth noting that the specific procedures and requirements for submitting a mercy petition in Abu Dhabi may vary. Therefore, it is crucial to seek professional advice and adhere to the guidelines provided by the relevant authorities to ensure that your petition is correctly submitted and considered.


Understanding the deportation process and how to apply for a mercy petition in UAE to lift travel bans is crucial for foreign nationals in the UAE. By familiarizing themselves with the categories of deportation, the possibility of lifting deportation orders, and the procedures for lifting travel bans, individuals can navigate these legal challenges effectively. Seeking guidance from experienced criminal lawyers can significantly increase the chances of a successful mercy petition in UAE, enabling individuals to continue their stay or travel in the UAE without hindrance.


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